Estimating the compressed breast-shape using deep learning
K. Michielsen, A. Rodríguez-Ruiz and I. Sechopoulos.
Reliability of MRI tumor size measurements for minimal invasive treatment selection in small breast cancers.
W. Sanderink, M. Caballo, L. Strobbe, W. Bult P. and.Vreuls, D. Venderink, I. Sechopoulos, N. Karssemeijer and R. Mann.
Minimally invasive breast cancer excision using the breast lesion excision system under ultrasound guidance
W. Sanderink, L. Strobbe, P. Bult, M. Schlooz-Vries, S. Lardenoije, D. Venderink, I. Sechopoulos, N. Karssemeijer, W. Vreuls and R. Mann.
Realistic compressed breast phantoms for medical physics applications
E. García, C. Fedon, M. Caballo, R. Martí Marly, I. Sechopoulos and O. Diaz.
Optimization of the difference-of-Gaussian channel sets for the channelized Hotelling observer
C. Balta, R. Bouwman, M. Broeders, N. Karssemeijer, W. Veldkamp, I. Sechopoulos and R. Van Engen.
New difference of Gaussian channel-sets for the channelized Hotelling observer?
C. Balta, I. Sechopoulos, R. Bouwman, M. Broeders, N. Karssemeijer, R. Van Engen and W. Veldkamp.
2D single-slice vs. 3D viewing of simulated tomosynthesis images of a small-scale breast tissue model
C. Balta, I. Sechopoulos, W. Veldkamp, R. Van Engen and I. Reiser.
Validation of a method to simulate the acquisition of mammographic images with different techniques
J. Boita, A. Mackenzie and I. Sechopoulos.
Image quality comparison between a phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast CT and a clinical breast CT: a phantom based study.
L. Brombal, F. Arfelli, P. Delogu, S. Donato, G. Mettivier, K. Michielsen, P. Oliva, A. Taibi, I. Sechopoulos, R. Longo and C. Fedon.
Towards 4D dedicated breast CT perfusion imaging of cancer: development and validation of computer simulated images.
M. Caballo, K. Michielsen, C. Fedon and I. Sechopoulos
Breast parenchyma analysis and classification for breast masses detection using texture feature descriptors and neural networks in dedicated breast CT images
M. Caballo, J. Teuwen, R. Mann and I. Sechopoulos.
Accuracy of registration algorithms in subtraction CT of the lungs: A digital phantom study
D. Grob, L. Oostven, J. Ruhaak, S. Heldmann, K. Michielsen, S. Dorn, M. Prokop, M. kachelriess, M. Brink and I. Sechopoulos.
Image Quality of Iodine Maps for Pulmonary Embolism: A Comparison of Subtraction CT and Dual-Energy CT.
D. Grob, L. Oostven, M. Snoeren, M. Prokop, C. Prokop, I. Sechopoulos and M. Brink.
Iodine Maps from Subtraction CT or Dual-Energy CT to Detect Pulmonary Emboli with CT Angiography: A Multiple-Observer Study.
D. Grob, E. Smit, J. Prince, J. Kist, L. Stöger, B. Geurts, M. Snoeren, R. van Dijk, L. Oostveen, M. Prokop, C. Schaefer-Prokop, I. Sechopoulos and M. Brink.
Patient evaluation of breast shape-corrected tomosynthesis reconstruction
K. Michielsen, T. Rangelova and I. Sechopoulos.
Stand-Alone Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Detection in Mammography: Comparison With 101 Radiologists
A. Rodriguez-Ruiz, K. Lang, A. Gubern-Merida, M. Broeders, G. Gennaro, P. Clauser, T. Helbich, M. Chevalier, T. Tan, T. Mertelmeier, M. Wallis, A. I, S. Zackrisson, R. Mann and I. Sechopoulos
Comparing dual energy CT and subtraction CT on a phantom: which one provides the best contrast in iodine maps for sub-centimetre details?
E. Baerends, L. Oostveen, C. Smit, M. Das, I. Sechopoulos, M. Brink, F. de Lange and M. Prokop.
Can a Channelized Hotelling Observer assess image quality in acquired mammographic images of an anthropomorphic breast phantom including image processing?
C. Balta, R. Bouwman, I. Sechopoulos, M. Broeders, N. Karssemeijer, R. van Engen and W. Veldkamp
Signal template generation from acquired images for model observer-based image quality analysis in mammography.
C. Balta, R. Bouwman, W. Veldkamp, M. Broeders, I. Sechopoulos and R. van Engen.
Breast phantom validation of a mammographic image modification method
J. Boita, A. Mackenzie and I. Sechopoulos.